I grew up in a time where there were very few black superheroes and those that existed were not very powerful. As I got older I realize that it was by design. A design created to make us feel inferior and to limit us in ways that are incalculable. Mankind is my mission to help to change that narrative. I saw how people of color enjoyed seeing themselves as kings and queens and thought to myself, What if they could see themselves as GODS? how powerful could that be? So with an undertone of strength through unity I set out to create this story. May it be as powerful for you as it has been for me.
Mankind Multiverse is where you can find the latest information on upcoming release dates for the audio book, the graphic novel and much more. I want this to be part of your reading experience taking you deeper into the life of each character over the coming months and years. The release date of February 1st was by design. Mankind multiverse is one of my gifts to my people. Something that can perhaps outlive me and keep inspiring others to not only dream but to also see those dreams become reality.
Mankind was written to encourage young people to dream. I wrote It like I did in order to encourage more of them to tell their stories. I want those that may have never finished a book in their lives to be able to complete this one. For that reason it is fast paced and worded in an uncomplicated way. The simplicity of how I wrote It I hope Is made up for with the complexity of the story itself. Enough to keep more seasoned readers entertained while you all take in The Mankind Multiverse
Release Date February 1st 2021